Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Hey guys, Jordan here.Merry Christmas! I know I said I wouldn't announce what Casey Games will be doing for 2013 until December 30th.But, to be honest, I couldn't resist.I would also like to welcome Casey Games' First EVER employee, Aidan Blackett.Aidan is an amazing artist and will be Casey Games' lead art director.So, without further ado, lets announce our new game.

Food World was an idea I came up with in early January 2011.Almost 2 years ago! I planned for it to be a virtual world (like Club Penguin) where you play as food and live in a giant kitchen.With different food-based rooms.Example: The fridge mall.The game failed.One year later, I planned to try do Food World again.So, I founded a games company.I called it Casey Games..Yes the original reason I founded Casey Games was to launch Food World (Seriously look at the first post on the blog).So after working on it, I sort of got bored and you guessed it, produced my first app!But now, because I have better programming skills and an amazing designer, we are going to give it another shot.We have an official blog up and running.Click here to view it!   Anyway, we plan to launch VERY Very very very soon & will be having an alpha party for the players (sort of like a meet-up on the game).So stay posted, follow me on Twitter and read the blog.We will give you an update very soon.

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See you later! - 2012 Recap

Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Hey guys, Jordan here.This is going to be my sort of Christmas/New Year post.To talk about some of the greatest things that happened in the year 2012.
  • January 2nd: Casey Games was founded by a 12 year old Jordan Casey with a plan to build a virtual world
  • February 2nd: Jordan releases Alien Ball VS Humans.Becomes Europe's youngest app developer
  • Feb-March-April: Lots of publicity
  • June: Cannes Lions Festival, the conference that started it all:
  • September:EPS 2012, Cologne, Germany
  • October: Web Summit, Gamecity7, Greenboy Touch released on Android
  • November:Greenboy Touch released on iOS, Smartphone and Tablet Games Summit, TedXYouth@Chankyapuri.

WOW! What a year it's been & that's just a small piece.So, what can we expect for 2013? I'm glad you asked.At 23:00 on December 30th, I will reveal what will be happening with Casey Games for 2013. But, on January 2nd (Casey Games' second anniversary) be in for a treat....Ok guys, so Casey Games are taking a 'break' for the holidays and will be back in action in time for the first anniversary of Casey Games (January 2nd). Be safe guys and Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

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Casey Games and Dragon's Den

Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Hey guys, Jordan here.I have some amazing news to share! Ok, so I have a LOT of projects going on but I can't reveal a lot.But one thing I am very happy to reveal is: Casey Games and Dragon's Den!So, I signed up for Dragons Den earlier about October.I got through, did a regional final, got through to the nationals and now got through to the Dragons.Which is amazing! I get to be on Dragons Den! Now, it is a long way away before it will be shown as far as I know, but filming is taking place next month.I don't think I can let you know how I did, but if I can, I definitely will.Anyway, just thought I'd let you guys know.Thanks again :)
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India - Recap

Saturday, December 8, 2012
Hey guys, Jordan here.Back with an update! (Note: Minecon video still going, just need time to edit.) I was in India! And before that, London.Which I already spoke about.India is definitely up there with Cannes as some of the best experiences of my life so far.Let me start off by saying, it was different, very very different, but in a good way.We took Air India, which was fantastic! This was my first ever 'long' flight.My longest flight before that was 4 hours so.It was also my first time out of the European continent.I was in Asia! Well, I always think about this.Does it count if you go to the Canaries? Because, technically they are in Africa, but owned by Spain, who are in the EU.Anyway, not the point.
We arrived at 2 in the morning on Thursday.Went to sleep, woke up at 2 PM.Went to 'Connacht Place or CP' it was crowded! It's sort of a shopping complex.We went to Mc Donalds.Which was sorta weird because due to religions beef is very rare in India because their religions don't allow you to eat it.So, I had Chicken Nuggets. :) Then the crazy bit happened.It was getting dark, it was raining, still fairly crowded, we wanted get back to our hotel.But, no Taxis!! What are we going to do? And then we saw it.... AUTO!
(Note: this video isn't of me, but you will understand)

It was crazy! No proper lanes, they don't read Traffic Lights, crazy! We went to bed
With Eduardo
Today, I was very very very very very very very tired because, I didn't go to bed Thursday night. :( We met up with the Tedx guys and went to a really nice dinner party, and Eduardo Strauch was speaking (1972 Andes Plane survivors, 16 people survived after 2 months in the Andes mountains after a plane crash and unfortunately, the only way to survive was to result to cannibalism) it was a very very touching story and Eduardo was really nice.We did a dry run of Tedx and...I flunked it, probably because I was tired.
Last day and it was the day of Tedxyouth@Chanakyapuri :D before I get to the story and the boy we met, here are pics, captioned pics of course.
Can you see me O.o

Signing autographs :)
Wake up.Get a taxi, American Embassy.Water, these really nice Cookies.Tedxyouth@Chanakyapuri, relentless curiosity was the theme.There were so many curious kids.I got to meet amazing people like Ethan Brown and Arthur Benjamin (Mathmagicians)

All in all, TedxYouth@Chanakyapuri and India in general was one of the greatest experiences of my life.Thanks for reading, guys.

Greenboy Update: Version 1.5 has been submitted to Apple.

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